The Importance of Quality Photos for Vacation Rentals (VR)

February 11, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Quality Photos are Quite Simply Paramount - Period!

I have said in the past, and I’ll continue to say that quality photos are what sell a product or service. And there is no better example to use than that of the Vacation Rental (VR) industry. A while back I posted some of my tips and tricks (See link below) for preparing your holiday vacation rental property for a photo shoot, but I’d also like to go one step further with this post.

By that, I mean arriving at the decision to actually have professional photos taken of your property and what to do with them once you have them to ensure that you’re maximizing your listing’s booking potential with your photos. 

Photos build trust

A prospect may have had experience of booking their vacations or holidays online. However, you should always assume that it is their first time at this. The photos will go a very long way to vouching for the credibility of the listing on the website where it’s being promoted.

It’s therefore essential that the photos really do represent the property as a whole. 

Exterior shots and interior shots will be taken to showcase the property allowing your prospects to gain as much detail as they can without actually being in the property. Credibility builds trust and trust is the foundation of any agreement or deal. 
Remember, "Second chances at first impressions never happen!"

Your Listing will sell with photos

The first thing that catches a potential guest’s eye are THE PHOTOS! You can have a unique, detailed description of all the knives and forks, and the designer furniture in the property, but if the person looking to make a booking sees a better-looking picture for another offer, then that description won't even going to be seen, let alone read!

The photos you get from Daracle Photography will be Eye-Catching, high resolution and will give your prospects a real feel for the ambience and vibe your property provides. Where it’s located, the layout, and an overall general appeal for the listing that. Your prospect will be able to envisage themselves by that crystal clear pool in the bright sunshine!

Going the extra mile...Why not?

I have done numerous property shoots to date and I understand that it’s not always possible to have everything ready as if I, (the photographer), was the actual guest arriving for my weeks stay. But you should! 

Pushing the boat out, going that extra mile for me, means that I get to see and take photos of all the little details that will speak to your guests.

Chances are you already include some standout touches for your guests and I bet they love seeing these details, as they convey care and concern for your property and therefore portray the same for their stay. I already advise that fresh fruit should be readily available and also the odd bottle of wine or freshly made pot of coffee (love a cuppa for those early shoots!).

I also like to take shots of surrounding areas and activities that allow guests to idealize what they can expect during their vacation. These little, careful touches that you make, not only help to make you stand out but also allows me to make your property stand out.

So what about the tips?

So we have agreed that images and photos are important for guests to engage their willingness to book. Here are a few more tips to assist with keeping your listing in top shape.

  • Maximize your image gallery

Some people say that quantity isn’t important over quality. I’d agree with them to a certain extent. However, I maintain that if you have a listing that is a 5 bedroom villa, it will be a tough sell with just 5 quality images of the swimming pool and garden on a sunny day! I provide you with as many images as it takes based on the size of the property listing. You then get to choose which you use but always take in mind that not using up your full allotment for images could be the difference of selling that extra couple of weeks!

  • Quality…Paramount!

This is the second part of the previous point. Having 30 images that are not of a high standard (High resolution, correct angles and lighting), on your listing will have the same effect as not enough images. You might as well not have any. People don’t realize how much impact quality photos have. I can’t emphasize enough that they are very often the make or break of booking in a lot of cases and therefore simply paramount for anyone listing a property be it for vacation rental or realty purposes.

  • Location, Location, Location or was it placement?

Think of your photos as a virtual “walk through” for your potential guest. The placement and positioning of your photos matter just as much as the content and quality of the photos. Position your photos in a logical manner that gives guests an understanding of the layout of your house.

  • Maintain them updated

Finally, we come to the need to keep your images up to date. As the seasons change, and so should your photos! Having wonderful images that speak to people for a specific time of year will do just that. For the remainder, of the year they will be of no use whatsoever. I’m not saying have a property shoot every season, but at least refrain from using season specific shots. 

So How can I get these professional photos to showcase my property?

Once you've decided that you'd really like to expose your vacation rental property and make it work for you, then you next need to schedule a time and date for the property shoot. If you have your property listed with Online Vacations Rental sites such as "Holiday Lettings", "HomeAway", "FlipKey", "Owners Direct", "Airbnb", (to name just a few), there's a very good chance that they may provide you with the opportunity to have your property photographed by a professional at their expense.  If this is the case, the images will normally be their property and for use on the respective site only.

If you'd rather seek your own images for use as you see fit, then naturally I can help so please feel free to reach out.

If you are a Vacation Rental Agency or Real Estate Agent also looking to showcase some of your properties please feel free to contact me for further information.  

Don't forget to take these points into consideration as well.

Until Next time.







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